
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More on Home Nursing and Health


1. The attitude should be that sickness is purification.
2. A regular medical opinion should be gotten when in doubt, but then use natural remedies afterwards whenever possible.
3. Homey comforts such as a peaceful resting place, good ventilation, clean sheets and bedding, a simple diet and plenty of fluids usually help to make short work of the course of illness.
4. Visiting and keeping the patient in good spirits also speeds recovery.

5. Natural healing takes time, waiting for the body to get back to normal without unnecessary drugs or other forms of covering up the symptoms. The tendency in the modern age is a quick fix. The stress and strain of the present day workplace gives little time for a healthy recovery.
6. After an illness be sure to wash all bedding, air out the room and it's been suggested to change toothbrushes to prevent reinfection.

Two good references are, “The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies” and “The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies for Children”.
Another favorite has been: 'How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" by Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn

NOTE The best remedies assist natural healing allowing the body/nature do its work without interference. Modern medicines that simply mask symptoms may be relocating the disease elsewhere in the body to create havoc later on.
WARNING - For more serious ailments, home and herbal remedies can do more harm than good if wrongly prescribed. The best thing is to have the care and supervision of a doctor. An allopathic can also help to recognize the problem or provide emergency treatment, while naturopahic doctors treat problems holistically .

Neem and goldenseal act as natural antibiotics. For infection (usually indicating a pitta imbalance), take one to two doses of bitter herb morning and evening as a natural antibiotic (manmade antibiotics are also said to be very bitter if actually tasted). Improvement should be seen in two-three days.
In India, there are ready-made neem tablets called "Sudarshan Ghanvati". In the U.S., goldenseal is also good.
Peppermint is great for nausea.
Licorice is good for cough.
Turmeric detoxifies the liver.
Chamomile tea is relaxing and aids rest during illness,
Do not cook herbs in metal because it alters flavor and flavor or taste is an important reason why something ingested acts in the body as it does. Boil in non leaded ceramic and serve in a mug.
Honey helps calm cough, soothe sore throats and bring warmth to colds
Do not use honey with a fever.
Tamarind in general has chemical in it that breaks down fat.
Cinnamon has been studied to help prevent diabetes. Use generously in sweet foods.
The Internet is a good source for learning more about various herbs and spices, but keep in mind that different constitutions need varying remedies.

And remember: “Krishna is the healing herb.” (Bg 9.16)

When there's illness, it's helpful to know what dosha is disturbed and how to bring back balance.
Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes decrease pitta
Hot, bitter, astringent tastes decrease kapha
Sour, sweet, salty tastes decrease vata
In other words, look for herbs and foods and treatments that restore balance. There's more help available online such as this webpage.

TRAVEL IN INDIA- Here's a few tips from seasoned travelers:
1. Do not drink the local water. I did a few times with no problem and would brush my teeth with it, but using bottled or purified water is less risky.  Do not drink the water in any restaurant unless you are sure its safe. True story.  Also I have heard, but never had the opportunity to test it out personally, that water collected from Ganga and allowed to sit at least 17 days is fit for daily consumption.
2. Do not eat anything that cannot be peeled or cooked. For example, raw salad. True story again. If you want raw tomatoes though, you can blanch them first and then take the peel off. Or steam certain vegetables first, then cool them and make raita.
3. Strain fresh milk through a cloth first to remove impurities. Bring to a boil three times to pasteurize.
4. Best not to eat prepared foodstuffs from vendors on the street unless freshly cooked and piping hot.
6. Best is to mostly do your own cooking.

I myself, did not get sick for the first seven months of living there, by following these rules. It was only when I broke a rule by eating a raw salad offered by a host did illness set in.

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