
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Woman's Work

I have the greatest work in the world;
A husband to encourage when things go wrong,
When he comes from work to greet with a song,
Trousers and shirts to wash and mend,
A helping hand, when needed, to lend,
Three times a day is meals to cook,
To strive to be my best to look.
His back to rub at the close of the day,
For his faithfulness to God I pray,
When hubby's in the field I take lemonade,
For all these tasks his love has paid.
I am a " Wife."

I have the greatest work in the world;
The job of rocking a baby to sleep,
That of guiding his tottering feet,
A baby's clothes to launder and fold,
A precious life to shape and mold,
A drink to give from a little cup,
At night his toys to gather up,
Hurts to heal and fears to quell,
A baby to keep clean and well,
A stack of diapers to put away,
Oh, what a happy worthwhile way!
I am a "Mother."

I have the greatest work in the world;
A home to keep happy, clean and bright,
Make things go smooth and strive for the right,
Jams to cook and jellies to make,
Cookies and pies and bread to bake,
Washing, ironing, and sewing to do,
So many tasks, will I ever get through?
Lettuce to wash and peas to pick,
Floors to scrub, lost items to seek,
Dishes to wash and windows to shine,
These and many more tasks are mine.
I am a "Homemaker."

Help me, dear Lord, to faithfully work,
Forgive if I unconsciously shirk,
Give me the patience and love I pray,
To keep myself in duties way;
With all the bustle that each day brings
May I not neglect the most needed things;

Each day to spend time alone with Thee
That Your love may be seen in me.
Whether as wife, mother...or friend to call,
I am "Your servant", above all.

Mary Lou Burkholder (adapted)

"A karmi works for his own sense gratification, and a bhakta works for Krishna’s sense gratification. That is the difference between a nondevotee and a devotee. Sense gratification is there in either case, but when you work for your personal sense gratification it is karma, and when you work for Krishna’s sense gratification it is bhakti. Bhakti and karma look similar, but the quality is different."
- A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami