
Friday, September 11, 2009

Body Care Basics

(PART III of "Three Pillars for Good Health")

Recreation isn't just fun and games. It includes de-stressing the body via good health habits, daily exercise and proper rest, as well as the very best recreation of hearing and chanting about Lord Krishna. Fun and Games will be included in my Home Works Blog, since kids are the best ones to share that with. The purpose here is geared towards relieving bodily stress and fatigue through regular maintenance (exercise and fitness tips were covered earlier).

First of all, our body is Krishna's property and Krishna's temple, meant to be maintained to keep fit for His service. Here are some reminders of the many ways we can relieve stress and keep our bodies healthy:

Getting outdoors should be a daily affair.
Go out in all kinds of weather to increase endurance.
Opening windows in the house everyday is freshening.


The morning sun is energizing. The afternoon sun is more draining.
Finding ways to get daily sunshine may include hanging up the morning wash, a daily walk to the garden for fresh vegetables, sorting dahl while on a sunny porch, or going for a japa walk.
Do indoor activities outdoors whenever possible.
Plenty of light should be allowed indoors, too.

During the cold season, it is important to prevent cold from getting into the body.
Dressing in layers allows adding onto or to taking off clothing as needed.

The ears and chest should especially be kept warm, and a large scarf or chaddar is designed for that purpose.
For wearing under saris, thermal underwear or long johns are indispensable. They are so nice for keeping legs warm, that socks aren't always necessary.

Drinking sufficient water is super important to help the body function properly and to remove impurities.
Try to drink every hour except one hour before and after meals. Soon a natural thirst for fresh water kicks in without having to watch the clock. You'll forget all about soft drinks and other unnecessary drinks between meals.

For early risers, drinking 2-3 cups of water can be easily done before breakfast.

Try to avoid too tight, restrictive clothing.
Taking breaks when needed are good rewards for work well done.
If something is not working out, taking a break by doing something enjoyable or just sitting and relaxing helps put things in better perspective.
When energy levels are dipping, put your feet up or take a short time nap. Sleeping isn't even necessary. Simply lying one one's left side, then right side and then back for just 5-10 minutes each time can be very refreshing.

Proper breathing is done through the abdomen.
Good posture is also important for good breathing.
Feeling nervous, excited, angry? Consciously relax from your feet upward to bring about breathing deeply once again.

An hour of sleep before midnight is worth three hours afterwards.
Creating a bedtime routine helps to unwind.
“Close the curtains, lower the lights, light a scented candle, turn down the bed covers. Put out clothes for next day, putting on fresh, loose clothing, and approaching the bed at the end of a long exhausting day is one of life’s delightful moments.” -Alexandra Stoddard

Eating heavily before resting or sugary, stimulating foods should be avoided.
Exercise or brain stimulants such as study or computers can make it difficult to get to sleep, but exercise during the early part of the day and an active lifestyle ensures a solid rest afterwards.
“The secret to better sleep is exercise. But only if you do your workout before noon.....late day exercisers slept as poorly as they had before starting their workout regimen.” -Good Housekeeping 5/04
Chanting and praying and story telling make good alternatives.
Hot milk before bedtime, washing and drying the feet and a head rub all induce sleep.
A quiet bedroom, with good ventilation, not too cool or too warm is also important.
Sleeping with the head pointing east or south is recommended.
Sleeping on one's stomach is not.
Persons over 30 should realize that it is normal to awaken in the night. It helps is to get up, use the toilet if needed and get a drink of cool water. Cooling the digestive fire in this way can help one fall right back to sleep.

Brushing morning and evening is recommended. If you wash your mouth frequently during the day, once in the morning should suffice. Also flossing once a day.
If one hates to floss (like I do), do it after teeth brushing. Then rinse.
Every meal or snack should be followed with mouth rinsing.
Tooth brushes should be changed each month if possible.
Natural toothbrushes can be made from eucalyptus, neem, mango or birch twigs.
Simple but effective tooth powder can be made from neem powder mixed with ground cinnamon and cloves.

Using an umbrella in very hot sun or taking advantage of shady trees both help to avoid sunburn.
Wearing natural fabrics allows skin to breathe.
A weekly oil massage can be with coconut or sesame oil during the warm season. Olive or mustard oil serves best for the cool season.

Using a dish wand and milder soaps for dishwashing is gentler on hands. Hot water can be used with little or no contact. If hands are very dry or cracking, moisturize each evening.

Cutting calluses is a really bad idea. Use a pumice stone to tame them instead.
Toenails should be cut straight across
A relaxing soak in very warm water (cool water in summer). along with gentle cleansing keeps feet  feeling clean and pampered.
Some suggest soaking feet in hot water with Epsom salts. Other suggestions are a dash of peppermint oil or tea tree oil.
Soothing lotion may be applied afterwards.
Putting on lotion and socks before bed helps to keep them soft.
If your really fortunate, you'll have a spouse who's not too busy for foot massages.
Morning walks in dewy grass has been recommended by massage therapists!

Washing hair too often should be avoided. “Native Americans think we all go gray so early in this country because we wash our hair too, much, and with harsh, drying chemicals that take all the life out...Try not to wash your hair so much. Don't put so much on it. Brush it instead (to) stimulate the scalp... Use a mild shampoo. Skin drinks up what you put on it so try not to put anything on your hair you wouldn't want to put in your mouth. Treat you skin like a baby's. Use the most gentle products possible."
The mildest shampoo ever is made from ground soap nuts (high in saponin, the main cleansing ingredient and found in many foods). Some use it as a "mud" while others make it into a tea. A clean squeeze bottle helps for application.
Washing in the coldest water possible is recommended for thin hair as well as not tying it too tightly.
Hair trimmed on a full moon grows back faster.
Hair brushing can be a happy time.While brushing and combing one's hair, "somehow a little of the stress of life gets brushed away, too".

The eyes are an instrument meant for plenty of natural lighting, therefore sunglasses are not recommended. Heat is not good for them, however, so a hat to shade them in sunlight is very important.
Directly looking into a light source is a bad idea.
Taking your glasses off in the sunshine avoids a greenhouse effect.
Eyes should be rinsed with cool water first thing every morning, at least three times.
Going without glasses helps eyes be less dependent on them. So does less study.
Computers slow down the blinking rate and can create dryness and itching. Blinking often and lightly helps. So does enabling the high contrast mode on the computer screen.

Do not read when tired, sick or lying down.
Give the eyes frequent breaks from sewing, reading, computer, etc. Try to avoid these things if vision is bad (listen instead of read, etc)
Always keep your eyes relaxed, letting move, aware of the total vision field. You'll breath better, too.

Eye rubbing should be avoided unless done very gently for massaging them. Better to splash with cool water as needed.
Touching maha water and flowers to the eyes is purifying.
Sit, stand and breathe correctly.
Getting outdoors daily relaxes eye muscles for focusing long distance..
Check out for getting back to 20/20.

After offering a ghee lamp with edible camphor (or just ghee if edible camphor is not available), you can make some fresh kajal daily. Just hold a copper or silver plate over the flame a few seconds to blacken it. Next, cool the plate and then mix in a tiny amount of ghee (with a clean finger or Q-tip) to moisten the soot collected and apply it to the waterline of your eye lids. Very soothing and cooling and beautifying for the eyes. You'll soon be addicted.

Pamper yourself once a week to special treatments such as:
A head massage with warm oil. Better yet, a full body massage.
A facial- Steam face over steaming water a few minutes. For facials once a week, a powdered oatmeal mask is easy to make and use for oily skin. To make the mask: grind oatmeal until fine. Add very warm water to make a spreadable consistency. For dry skin, nothing beats a good dose of fresh cream.
Treat eyes to cucumber slices or a cool, wet wash cloth.
And don't forget a manicure and pedicure.
(Now you'll feel like a lady once again!)


"Now, whatever affection we see the gopis show for their own bodies, know it for certain to be only for the sake of Lord Krishna.
[The gopis think:] 'I have offered this body to Lord Krishna. He is its owner, and it brings Him enjoyment'....'O Arjuna, there are no greater receptacles of deep love for Me than the gopis, who cleanse and decorate their bodies because they consider them Mine.'” CC Adi 4.181-182,184)