
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

tostones (plantain chips)

 Tostones means fried twice. Made from green plantains. Here's a recipe: tostones 

The only recipe adjustments were using ghee for frying instead of vegetable oil and using hing instead of garlic.

 These can make a nice offering for Ekadashi, but in that case, omit the hing.

This was my first try at tostones. Still, they came out crip and delicious for Krishna's offering.

4 green plantains, peeled and sliced
2 c water
1 T salt 
1/4 t yellow hing (optional)
Juice from 1 lime
Ghee for frying.

Follow the directions for frying, dipping, and refrying the plantain chips.
Offer to Krishna piping hot.