
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

flower beds and curry trees

 Inspired by the altar of a lady neighbor bedecked with profuse flower arrangements,  the garden over here has been expanding. We decided to start growing some other kinds of flowers, so we can offer attractive vases of flowers for our home altar, too!

And behind the new floral bed are two curry leaf trees. There's two more west of here. Curry trees grow well near the south side of the house because the warmth of the house in winter provides a micro climate so that the trees don't entirely die.

 Instead these trees die back during the cold winter months, but then they come back again in the spring and will again grow about as tall as the kitchen window. 

They supply a large amount of curry leaves for both cooking here at home and for bringing a supply to the temple kitchen down the road.❤️

Curry leaves can also be dried and made into a hair washing powder. We also plan to use them in our latest twig toothbrushing experiments.