
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Why You Shouldn’t Kill Cows

What other animal on earth gives as many varieties of foodstuffs as cows? 

Pictured here are milk, yogurt, whey, ghee, buttermilk  and paneer or fresh cheese. All are used in many ways for delicious and nutritious preparations. Not forgetting the uses of scrumptious butter and cream!

Mother cow is so generous that she provides plenty of milk for humanity as well as for her calves.

In fact, there was a cow here who gave us milk long after she had any calf! Treat her well and she reciprocates.

Oxen and bulls are valuable too, as work animals or for producing more cows. And let’s not forget that all these beautiful creatures also provide very valuable dung for use in the garden to grow so many other foods in abundance!

Now, if that’s not enough to consider sparing their lives in gratitude, think about how, if protected for life, these valuable bovines still can provide even after their death such things like leather, gelatin and fertilizers such as blood and bone meal. And if there were to be any food shortages in the future- a daily supply of milk products can be had indefinitely compared to a dead animal for meat. 

So tell me, which animal on earth is more valuable! And you want world peace? Protect cows!