
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Hand laundry tip

Let’s say you dread hanging up that huge pile of saris that pile up in the laundry and would rather wash one by hand each day, so there’s less to disentangle or hang up by the end of the week . 

Or say you are taking a trip and have to travel light. In that case, you need to wash clothes more often. And sometimes there’s no washing machine available. 

So here a tip: hand wash the item(s) as needed, wring it out as usual, and then to wick away more water, roll the item up into a thick terry cloth towel and give it a good squeeze. 

Then hang both the washed item and the towel to dry. Because there’s less water, your cloth will dry faster. 

With a thick kitchen towel, this technique is good for drying washed lettuce, too!