
Saturday, April 07, 2018

Everything is Arcanam

Arcanam, one of the nice processes of devotional service, refers to deity worship and it's interesting how everything in this blog can be ultimately linked to arcanam or worshiping the Lorḍ. Whether it's referring to setting up and maintaining a home altar or keeping the house clean for the home deity to live in comfortably or shopping for bhoga and other sacrificial ingredients and cooking daily offerings or serving one's husband as prescribed by Lord Krishna or serving the people in your family or practicing hospitality with friends and other guests for the pleasure of the deity within everyone's heart and distributing prasada or keeping healthy and fit so we may continue on, it all has some connection to arcanam. And all the other processes of devotional service when you think of it are connected. For example hearing and chanting for the pleasure of your deities. An gradually you realize you have your own personal deity of Krishna within your own heart. He is personally present there in His deity form of Supersoul to witness all our activities, so we do them nicely, control our sense etc. His satisfaction should be our sole aim in life.

And Srila Bhaktivinoda sums up and strengthens this mood in a wonderful prayer when he dedicates his all to the lotus feet of the Lord:

 Whatever I am, whatever I possess, I offer at Your lotus feet, O merciful Lord. I no longer belong to myself. Now I am exclusively Yours. The soul inhabiting this mortal body has given up the false ego attached to the word “I”, and now the eternal, spiritual sense of being Yours has entered his heart. All my possessions - body, brothers, friends, and followers, wife, sons, personal belongings, house and home- all of these I give You, for I have become Your servant. Now I dwell in Your house. You are the Lord of my house, and I Your most obedient servant. Your happiness is my only endeavor now. Whatever piety or sins were done by me, by mind or deed, are no longer mine, for I am redeemed. My desire has become one with Yours. From this day Bhaktivinoda has no other identity.

Nothing remains “mine”. Father, friend, brother — You are even these to me. Those whom I called friends, wife, sons, and daughters are all Your servants and maidservants.

Whatever care I take for them is only as it relates to You.  If I continue to maintain my wealth, family members, home, and wife, it is because they are Yours. I am a mere servant.  For Your service I will earn money and bear the expense of Your household.  I know neither good nor bad. I merely serve. I am but a watchman who guards the properties in Your household.  The exercising of my senses — hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching — is done according to Your desire.  I no longer do anything for my own pleasure. Bhaktivinoda says, “Your happiness is the essence of everything”.

I have become supremely joyful by surrendering myself at Your holy feet. Unhappiness has gone away, and there are no more anxieties. I see joy in all directions. Your two lotus feet are reservoirs of immortal nectar where one may live free from sorrow and fear. I have found peace there now and have given up the fear of worldly existence. I shall render service in Your household and not endeavor to enjoy the fruits of that service, but rather I shall strive for whatever pleases You, fully devoted to Your lotus feet. Troubles encountered in Your service shall be the cause of great happiness, for in Your devotional service joy and sorrow are equally great riches. Both destroy the misery of ignorance. I have completely forgotten all past history by feeling great joy in my mind. I am most certainly Yours, and You are indeed mine. What need is there of any other treasure? Bhaktivinoda, diving into the ocean of bliss, devotes all his efforts for Your service and dwells in Your house according to Your wishes.

Excerpt from Saranagati,  Atma Nivedanam Songs 4-5 and 8. For the entire supremely relishable song, click here.