
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yoga on the Go

It may be challenging to take time out to do exercises, especially slow ones like yoga postures require space and time, but don't worry about that too much; you can do yoga on the go! For example:

Sitting in class kneeling, called "Vrajasana", as displayed by Maharja Pariksit in the image above or in a lotus posture as the sages of Naimasaranya are doing, requires some strength to hold the body erect to stay alert.

Bending over to reach something under the table while doing housework, you then can pause to hold a form similar to what is called "Adho mukha Svanasana".

Waking up regularly every morning, you may have discovered the pose called "Apanasana" or "Little Boat" that will help any yogi wannabe pass number 2 first thing in the morning when rising.  Now, don't stress about following the example given exactly because the trick is to simply get in the pose and then relax as far as possible. Without falling back asleep! Chanting prayers for waking, etc. helps avoid that.

While seated in a lotus position chanting japa, occasionally give your legs a break by sitting with them stretched out in front. This pose is called "Paschimottanasana", but no problem if you don't touch your toes (or hold a rope) because of holding your bead bag. This, too, takes strength to hold the form as straight as possible and relaxed.

Also while sitting, try to do the butterfly pose, "Baddha Konasana", for the same reason.

Paying obeisances during Prema Dhvani prayers at the temple each morning can be a simple variation of what is called "The Child's Pose", "Balasana".

And while relaxing or sleeping, there is the position well known as "Savasana".

So this is one way to keep exercise simple,(another way was posted here: "Housework Workout"), so to carry on with the real purpose of yoga.

"There are many systems of bodily exercise...and they help keep the body fit, reduce fat, and help the digestive system. Therefore there is no need to practice yoga for these purposes. The real purpose for practicing yoga is to realize that I am not this body. I want eternal happiness, complete knowledge, and eternal life—that is the ultimate end of the true yoga system." -A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Thus, we can use all our energy in loving actions by doing it all for Krishna. That love is the highest meaning of yoga.

Srila Prabhupada did mention on occasion to disciples that they can do some hatha yoga to keep fit, and considering where we are at, spiritual advancement wise, some people really benefit at times in their life for a full on daily session of yoga postures to help develop their breathing, an ability to relax and let go and so on. It's called accepting what is favorable for our devotional service. Originally, this page was inspired while web surfing and found this article: Yoga for Addiction Recovery  at the "Yoga Journal" Website. It can make one realize how simple a yoga asana really can be!