
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fresh vs Factory Food

It's been found that allergies have more to do with how foods are being made vs the food themselves. For example, bread flour sold from the grocery store shelf contains insect and rodent filth from the factory production (And if you are attached to chocolate, you may not want to learn what THAT contains). We can avoid this  in our bhoga offerings, however, by homemade ingredients.

FRESHLY GROUND FLOUR. One example is using a mill to grind wheat berries for a more wholesome flour. More is written at this post:  Grind Your Own.

Herbs and spices are often sitting on shelves for long periods, too. Check out Grind Your Own Part II for an alternative. This is how they lose not only flavor but also potency. So if there is any doubt about the effectiveness of an Ayurvedic remedy, for example, be sure to check the freshness of a product. Even a day old can greatly alter effectiveness, so the fresher the remedies, the better.

FRESH TURMERIC In other words, try using fresh turmeric, instead of the stuff powdered long ago and bought in the food store. And it isn't hard to use. If you already use fresh ginger root, it can be prepared for use in the same way.

Chaunced or simply boiled with rice, there is an immediate sense of how much tastier freshly prepared items can be.

And in those recipes where only powdered turmeric will do, and you have a sunny window, it only takes a day or so to dry out some minced turmeric before easily grinding it into a powder.

Far, far superior to any store bought garam masala getting stale on a grocer's shelf, is to collect the ingredients yourself and grind your own in smaller quantities, so that it will be as fresh as possible. This goes for all the other packaged seasoning combinations like curry powder, chaat masala and sambar powder. 

One may be blessed with a very sunny climate or at least a very sunny windowsill in the summer season. All kinds of experiments can be made. Be amazed by leaving some wilted but still good grapes on a tray in the hot sun there. In just a few days you will have raisins! Or how about that unripe mango you accidentally cut open? Continue to cut it into small pieces and leave it in the sun for a few days, then grind the dried pieces and you will have freshly made amchur. Minced pieces of ginger spread out in the same spot dry very out in a day and grind easily to ginger powder, free from any factory filth. Another thing people keep on the shelf for long periods is chili powder which instead can be ground up easily, at a moments notice, from chilies left drying on strings hanging in one's kitchen.

Using our good intelligence, we can discover more and more how Krishna designed things in such a way that we do not have to depend on factories for our food.