
Saturday, May 22, 2010

appetizers & chutneys

Bitter Melon Recipes
Bitter melon or bitter gourds (aka karela) in some form or another is a very healthy addition to a meal. Here are three ways to prepare them.

Plum Chutney
Also know as "Radha Red", especially made for Radhastami

Tamarind Chutney
Tangy and sweet...can't be beat!

Tomato Chutney
Better than ketchup.

Mango Chutney
Yes! Yes!

Coconut Chutney
Fresh coconut at it's best.

Apple Chutney
It's not just applesauce anymore...

Pineapple Chutney
For the pineapple lovers

Banana Chutney
Quick and easy and great way to use extra bananas

Ginger Candy
for ginger lovers