
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spinach with Paneer (paneer shak)

3 bunches of spinach, washed and chopped
paneer from 4 liters of milk
2 T yogurt
1 chili, seeded
1/2 t cumin seeds
pinch of hing
pinch of turmeric powder
1/2 T cumin ginger paste (grind together equal parts of fresh ginger and cumin)
1/2 t garam masala
little gur or brown sugar
3-4 T ghee

1. Chop paneer into chunks and boil a few minutes to tenderize. Set aside.
2. With ghee make a chaunce with chili, cumin, cumin ginger paste, and hing.
3. Add the yogurt and turmeric and garam masala.
4. Add the spinach and cook with a little water until done. Add paneer cubes.
5. Add a little sugar and salt as desired.

VARIATION A sauce can be made with whole wheat flour toasted in butter and hot water added. Add the chaunce and stir in cooked spinach and paneer cubes.

AND OR CHECK OUT: my simpler version that I use most often