
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

salad season

Heavy or light, salad is a delicious addition to many meals and very healthy. And in summer time especially, salads are refreshing. What to put in your next salad? Here are suggestions to create various combinations from. These can be chopped, sliced, grated...

Various salad greens.Its nice to have a variety
Broccoli, the stems can be peeled also to get to the softer core and grated or finely chopped
Alfalfa sprouts
Mung bean sprouts, Click here to make your own.
Olives, including green olives
Sprouted chickpeas
Chopped tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
Fresh corn
White radish
Fresh Peas
Bell pepper
Sunflower seeds, toasted
Paneer chunks
Avocado chunks
Cooked beans

All these help to create tasty, nutritious salads for offering. Various dressings make them complete. A few have been posted earlier. A favorite is simply olive oil and lemon juice, with salt and pepper and perhaps a little fresh or dry dill weed.