
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

playdough recipe

Hours of fun for children and their friends. Here's my favorite play dough recipe:

2 cups flour

1 cup salt

2 tablespoons cream of tartar

2 cups of water

2 tablespoon vegetable oil

food coloring (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until stiff. Allow to cool, then knead until smooth.

Food coloring may be added at the kneading stage in various colors if desired, otherwise air dried items may be painted later on.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I used to save plastic containers with lids for this purpose.

2 c flour
1/2 c salt
2 T vegetable oil

Mix flour and salt together and rub in oil with fingertips. Add enough water and knead until a soft dough is made. Store in the fridge when not in use. Makes a nice, smooth dough.
A favorite thing to do was to create with children play dough items to offer to the children's Radha Krsna, Gaura Nitai dolls.

They'd create mini pizzas, cakes, chapatis, spaghetti, samosas, sweets, cookies....

I would save odds and ends to help sculpt with. For example, plastic knives and forks, bottle caps with ridges, plastic cookie cutters, molds, a small rolling pin or the "Playdoh Fun Factory". Also toy pots and stove to "cook" with. The playdough can dry and be painted.

What else to do with play dough?:
1. Manipulate it (pinch, pat, pull, twist, shape, roll)
2. Press it with various objects to create texture.
3. Make slabs, coils, balls and other basics
4. Press into molds, let dry and then paint (if the dough is uncolored).
5. Imprint with odds and ends or texture plates.
6. Cut it with a plastic knife, scissors or cookie cutters.
7. Find more ideas or lessons in craft books or on the Net. Also many catalogs in the mail have ideas for figurines, etc.

For more fun with children, see my other blog: Home Works